Metal Casting Projects

Metal Casting Projects

Bold Projects → Metal Casting Projects

There was a lot of scrap aluminum lying around at Tom’s parents house one year and we decided to see if we could do something fun with it. So we went to Home Depot and bought bricks to make a furnace, a couple of bags of charcoal, and some lighter fluid, then located something that would work as a crucible and set about melting the scrap aluminum and figuring out what we could recast it into. We had so much fun that we’ve done multiple variations on the project. The final product isn’t always very useful or attractive, but we always have a great time doing it. Sometimes it’s really about the journey!

Recycled Aluminum Hand

Recycled Aluminum Mask

Recycled Aluminum Sculpture

Interesting side note: We recently experimented with melting shell casings. We didn’t clean them or pop the primers, because we wanted to see what would happen if you didn’t put in any effort whatsoever. It didn’t work. It did, however, create a great deal of (likely poisonous) sulfur colored gas and some small explosions. We’ll try using casings again, but after cleaning them and popping the primers.


Bold Projects → Metal Casting Projects