Prasat Krachap

Prasat Krachap

Epic Travel → Asia & the South PacificCambodia → Prasat Krachap

Location: Koh Ker, Northern Cambodia

Time Required: 20 minutes (once you’re in the Koh Ker area)

Red Tape/Notes: Entry fee is $10 for all of Koh Ker, which you can pay at a booth 7 km from the entry to the site

What’s Nearby?: Prasat Thom, Prasat Krahom, Neang Khmao, Prasat Pram

Prasat Krachap is part of the Northeast Temple Group, and is often referred to as the Temple of Inscriptions. Most of the buildings are now in ruins, piled on the ground as heaps of large bricks, but the complex was once fairly large, featuring five shrines on a shared platform which were enclosed by two sets of walls. The inner walls had pillared galleries leading to the outside, with the eastern and western gopuras (entrance gateways) made of laterite with sandstone pillars. The western gateway is covered in inscriptions on both the doorway and pillars.

Epic Travel → Asia & the South PacificCambodia → Prasat Krachap

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